
please leave me alone.

go away, please. not only do i not need your input for something that i have done at this company for 4.5 years and in this business for 10+ years, i find all of your comments to be asinine and a complete and utter waste of my time and resources

in closing, it would serve the company far more if you would focus on why print is late then help in planning cd manufacturing and pack out, two things that by your own admission, the last time you had anything to do with was during the 16 bit era of gaming. times have changed; media has converted from cartridges to discs; lead times are shorter; capacities are different; gaming is now high profile, no longer a niche market. in today’s age, we consider vendors to be partners and we treat them as such; whining will get you nowhere.

not only do i find your input ludicrous, i find it tedious and your personal hygiene quite disgusting and you have an “atrocious ignorance of personal space” (thanks E.A.B.)


"Are you a moron in a cage?"


"Moron on the loose! Moron on the loose!"

I was approached with a sheet that I had made that has the dimensions of a product, 7.5 L x 5.5 W x 0.5 H. In the other hand, was an actual PS2 game. Foir those of you not into gaming, it is the same size/shape as a DVD case so you have a visual.

With these things in hand, they are set on my desk, the person looks at me and asks "can you help me figure out which is which?"

I get a ruler and point out that the longest number is 7.5, Long = Length. I point out that the middle number of 5.5 is how wide it is, Wide = Width. Then I point out how deep it is, 0.5.

"OH! Height is the same as Depth?"

Depends on how you look at it moron but those numbers should be self explanatory.

I may throw the Pi symbol on there as a fourth dmension, simply to watch the struggle manifest itself between the brow.